Friday, June 24, 2016

Home Renovations: Black Architectural Roof and Painting Front Door Trim

I had been trying to get a new roof put on my house since December of last year. The first company that was going to do the work were no shows. I got other recommendations of roofing companies in the area and signed a contract with a new company. I was told it would be 4-6 weeks as it is summer and that is prime time for new roofs to be placed on houses. I waited and waited; then, out of the blue, a lady from the company called and told me a job fell through and if they could come put my new roof on. I said 'yes' and I now have a new beautiful black architectural roof on my house. My house is slowly coming together.

A couple days before I got my new roof, I had stripped the (peeling) paint from the front door frame/trim work and re-painted it to have a fresh coat of white paint. 

The next renovations I want to get done are going to be small in comparison. I am getting the door bell changed from an off white/yellow to a black and white one. Also, the porch lights are going to be changed. I called an electrician and was told they are backed up, as well. So, it will be 3-4 weeks before they would be able to do that.

In addition, I want a new kitchen sink. I have yet to pick one out and still have to contact a plumber for job cost estimates; but that will be in the works soon.

I am going to continue to re-paint various trim work on the house with fresh coats of white paint. I am going back and forth on whether or not I want to paint my cabinets in my kitchen. At this time, they are a deep brown and they are not terrible; however, I think painting them white and getting a new counter top may give the kitchen the appearance of being bigger than it is.

I have plenty of time though to decide on that though. 

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